raw-vegan-wheat-free-lunch-wrap-recipe-494x370There are many reasons a person may choose to cleanse. As you go through this process, you will find that even if you started off with just one reason, the benefits you experience are often broader and further-reaching.

Cleansing or detoxifying by itself, however, is not the solution. Getting rid of the toxins and minimizing exposure to new toxins must always be balanced with replenishing the body’s vitamin, mineral, and macronutrient reserves. When we simply cleanse without rebuilding, it is like removing the old oil from your car without replenishing it with new oil. Your body will be running on empty!

Summary of potential detoxification benefits:

  • Increased energy
  • Mental clarity
  • Improved digestion
  • Allergy relief
  • Weight loss
  • Hormonal balance
  • Radiant skin
  • Improved physical appearance
  • Longevity and disease prevention
  • Relief from minor health conditions
  • Clarity in life path and goals
  • Tissue regeneration
  • Increased general well-being
  • Personal confidence and empowerment

This is a gentle and relatively short cleanse designed to jump-start your journey to health. The diet may seem fairly restrictive compared to the modern day American diet, but you should not go hungry, as this is not a fast. Eat abundantly from the foods that are listed for each phase of the program and use the menus and recipes as guides to make the most of your experience.

This cleanse is designed to be gentle yet effective. It is also intended to be doable while you work, play, or go about your normal routine. Your normal routine, however, will be a bit different during this program, simply because you will be eating, doing and thinking different things while cleansing.

One incredible benefit to cleansing will be the awareness gained about how different foods make you feel physically, emotionally, and energetically. Your taste buds will begin to change and you will begin to understand how your body is responding to the foods you are consuming. This will give you more control of reactions you were not aware were caused by foods.

There are thousands of different dietary recommendations and philosophies, and new ones come up every day. The very best way to figure out your personalized diet is to begin to pay attention to how you feel as you explore different ways of eating and being. In the process of cleansing, you will begin to recognize which foods may not be serving you, despite what you have read or been told.

Cleansing and your body

Every toxin you come into contact with must be filtered through the liver. The liver is the second largest organ in our body and it is also the most overworked. Given that we now understand the degree to which we are exposed to toxins on a daily basis, it is easy to see how our livers are being put into overdrive. When the liver becomes overburdened, it loses its ability to function efficiently. This leads to a cascade of potentially serious health consequences and uncomfortable reactions.

What happens when the liver is not functioning properly or is overburdened? Toxins begin to find their way into other organs, skin, fatty tissues, and the blood. This is when we begin to see and feel the manifestation of some of the common ailments described below:

  • Bad breath
  • Bloating, gas, constipation, and diarrhea
  • Canker sores
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Excess weight or difficulty losing weight
  • Fatigue
  • Fluid retention
  • Food cravings
  • Headaches
  • Heartburn
  • Joint pain
  • Muscle aches
  • Puffy eyes and dark circles
  • Postnasal drip
  • Sinus congestion
  • Skin rashes and acne
  • Sleep problems
  • Toxins can also block thyroid function, impair female hormones, and may account for depression, anxiety, and fatigue.

This basic cleanse is focused on cleansing the liver. However, it will also provide support to other systems in your body, such as the colon, skin, lymph, lungs, kidneys and bladder, mind, and emotions. As the liver starts the process to release toxins, these other organ systems will also provide pathways to efficient elimination.