about amy and jessica

A story of health from Wisconsin to Colorado by way of Arizona and Montana…

What began in Wisconsin as a high school friendship evolved into a business partnership in Colorado twenty years later. The product of that partnership is the 2015 Spring Clean-Up: 10 Days of Clean Eating and Living program. And it’s one of many to come…

After leaving the Midwest in the early 2000s, Jessica and Amy began new adventures in the West and Southwest. Amy resided in Tucson, Arizona for 10 years and Jessica in Montana and Colorado. Through the moves, and the years, their paths easily remained aligned. They logged a combined 4,000+ hours of study in yoga, massage therapy, permaculture, nutrition, psychology, meditation, wilderness therapy and herbalism. Unknown to each, they began the same certification program at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition at the same time in 2011. The program was an opportunity for each to weave their education and skills into a holistic practice as Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches. Upon graduation, Whole Heart Wellness and Inphyusion came to be.

They talked about how great it would be to work together in some facet, some day, combining all of their ideas, passions and skill sets. Then it happened. In March of this year, the 2015 Spring Clean-Up program was born out of years of conversations to team up and offer something great, and the timing was just right for this business partnership to blossom.

Jessica and Amy share a desire to empower and inform people about optimal health and wellness through nutrition and a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. And that’s exactly what they hope you’ll get out of the 2015 Spring Clean-Up.

Health is what they do and they want to share their best with you.