
The price of the cleanse is $150. Registration will be accepted until midnight on May 6th. We know support is vital to any successful cleanse. We would love to have you experience the support of your best friends, family, roommates, teammates, or coworkers, so we’re extending the following two offers:

  • Gather a group of 2-5 people to each receive 10% off ($135)
  • Gather a group of 6-10 people to each receive 20% off ($120)

Order Online

Many of us set aside time to spring clean our homes, our yards, and our vehicles, yet the body is often forgotten. Even those who have a super clean diet and lifestyle benefit greatly from seasonal cleansing because of modern day stressors and toxins we cannot always control. So no matter what might be your current lifestyle, health level, diet, or energy level, regular detoxification can be a very special gift to give to yourself. This is a wonderful opportunity to support your body so it may function at its full potential.

That’s why we’re inviting you the join us from May 11-21 for 10 Days of Clean Eating and Living!

We see many clients who suffer from allergies, stress, fatigue, headaches, hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, weak immune systems, and skin problems. These are your body’s cries for help! It is asking for a time to rest, rejuvenate, be deeply nurtured, and “tuned up.” During this program, you will need to put a little extra time and attention into breaking from your routine, but your reward will be feeling like you have a new lease on life!

This cleanse includes:

  • A detailed shopping list for all meals
  • Daily meal planning and recipe book
  • Email support
  • Private group forum support
  • 2 audio recordings from Jessica and Amy
  • A wrap-up Personal Health Coaching Session ($50 value)
  • Guidebook with valuable information to support you throughout the cleanse
  • Workbook to track your progress
  • Healthy food preparation and cooking tips
  • Vitality practices
  • Healthy lifestyle suggestions and recommendations
  • Discounts for one month after the end of the cleanse to: Whole Heart Botanicals, inphyusion bodywork in Boulder and various health coaching packages with both coaches (email Amy or Jessica for details)

Potential results you could experience in this program, and if you move into a permanent diet after the cleanse, focused on a whole food/non-processed food diet:

  • Weight loss
  • Increased energy
  • Better digestion and elimination
  • Fewer symptoms of chronic illness
  • Improved concentration, mood and mental clarity
  • Less congestion and fewer allergy-related symptoms
  • Less joint pain
  • Less fluid retention
  • Increased sense of peace and relaxation
  • Enhanced sleep
  • Brighter eyes
  • Hormonal balance
  • Radiant skin
  • Longevity and disease prevention
  • Relief from minor health conditions
  • Clarity in life path and goals
  • Tissue regeneration
  • Increased general well-being
  • Personal confidence and empowerment

So not only are you going to receive step-by-step instructions for making positive nutritional changes with immediate results, you’ll also receive support and accountability to ensure you stay motivated and committed.